
Showing posts from January, 2019

Simple Tips for Smashing an Interview

Interviews can be very daunting! The pressure mounts proportionally to how much you want the job too, not helping interview nerves! Here are the things I have found to help me be successful during job and educational interviews. Dress for the job you want I am sure that some people will disagree with this, however I wholeheartedly believe this to be essential. If you want a job as a professional, you need to dress like one. The interviewers first impression is likely to be of how you look, and the way they respond initially will set the mood. This means, if you are interviewing as a healthcare student, student nurse, student paramedic you need to dress as though you are. Some interviews can bring unexpected segments, so you may need to demonstrate CPR, and that does not look great in a skirt. Obviously wear what you look comfortable and smart in and what makes you feel confident, however if your potential job is going to require you to roll around the floor, you may want to demons...

21 Things I Have Learnt in 21 Years

Today is my 21st Birthday and here are 21 things I know from having lived for 21 years. Enjoy 21 thoughts from my rambled brain. 1. You do not need to wash your hair everyday. Find a hairstyle which hides your grub and wear it with confidence. 2. Get up when your alarm goes off and get working. Workout, eat, answer emails, write an essay. Everything feels better if you have done it before 8am. 3. Fuel your body with real food. Most items are better for you if you do not have to take them out of a packet. 4. Use your freezer! Made too much food? Freeze it. Not going to eat some stuff you bought? Freeze it. It is a time saver, a money saver and a waste saver. 5. The simple action of just lighting a candle makes you feel better. 6. I need the responsibility of looking after something. I cannot imagine my life without a furry friend or a fish. Saying that, if you can't, then just look after a plant. Start off with a cacti if you are worried about your plant skills. 7. Putting o...

How to be a BOSS in 2019

Be the boss of your own life in 2019. Get ready to own yourself and feel incredible. Boss your studies, boss your self-love, boss your health and boss your finances. I'm excited to share the ways I am making myself the Danii-Boss, the Girl-Boss and the University-Blogger-Boss in 2019. Eat 'yo Greens In 2019, 'ain't nobody got time for': bad skin, poor hair and nails, and coughs and colds. I am packing my diet with fruits and vegetables. If you read my previous post, one of my 2019 goals was to be healthier and lose weight, and in my mind I want to be strong and shredded (throwback to 2015/16). Generally I prefer vegetables to fruits in the winter, so I've started off by making soups. You can put so much into soup, and make so many portions and then eat so much of the soup that there is nothing better than soup, in my opinion. In fact, talking about soup just makes me want to eat some more soup now. Fruits obviously are great too, however they do contain more...

2018 - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Happy New Year! Happy 2019! So, 2018 had its ups and downs, and I feel more myself than I've felt in ages. Time to review 2018; the good, the bad and the ugly. Enjoy. ACHIEVEMENTS I like to count all achievements, no matter how small! I must add that I'm quite competitive, especially with myself, so I'm hoping that in 2019 I do better than this list! Passed my motorcycle test Rescued a child at work Completed in two cheerleading competitions in Nottingham and Birmingham Wrote two, almost three essays Did CPR on a real person (a few times, and no ROSC unfortunately) Smashed my OSCEs (obnoxious - sorry not sorry), with 99% in my basic life support exam Sailed in our RS 400 for the first time (and capsized within five seconds) Passed my first year of university with a first! Hugely reduced my alcohol consumption Became a fully fledged Sea Scout leader Completed ten weeks of ambulance placement in year one, and five in year two TRAVEL In the first six mon...