How to be a BOSS in 2019

Be the boss of your own life in 2019. Get ready to own yourself and feel incredible. Boss your studies, boss your self-love, boss your health and boss your finances. I'm excited to share the ways I am making myself the Danii-Boss, the Girl-Boss and the University-Blogger-Boss in 2019.

Eat 'yo Greens
In 2019, 'ain't nobody got time for': bad skin, poor hair and nails, and coughs and colds. I am packing my diet with fruits and vegetables. If you read my previous post, one of my 2019 goals was to be healthier and lose weight, and in my mind I want to be strong and shredded (throwback to 2015/16). Generally I prefer vegetables to fruits in the winter, so I've started off by making soups. You can put so much into soup, and make so many portions and then eat so much of the soup that there is nothing better than soup, in my opinion. In fact, talking about soup just makes me want to eat some more soup now.
Fruits obviously are great too, however they do contain more sugar than vegetables. Packing them into your diet is great, just remember that when you are making your smoothie from 4 bananas, 2 oranges and some apple juice. I try to vary what I put in my smoothies and top them up with water to save myself from the sugar in fruit juice. Again, this means I can eat more. I use this cherry red NutriBullet which makes it really quick to blend my fruit and stuff does not stay lumpy. It is also really easy to clean and comes with different cups and blades which is great! If you have not gathered, I'm a total foodie and I really like eating lots of tasty food.
For an easy breakfast, I like to chuck some chopped fruit into my low-fat yogurt, giving it more substance so my tummy recognises that I have eaten. I like to chuck loads of vegetables into meals like cottage pie and spaghetti bolognese, and if I make curry for my boyfriend, surprise! More vegetables. I use veg to bulk out meals so I require less carbs like pasta, rice and bread. Oh and I almost forgot... Salads! I love eating loads of salad, throwing in some fruit and veg such as cucumber, raisins, tomatoes, gherkins, pepper, beetroot and so many more! Then I add some lean protein, which at the moment I love smoked salmon, and a homemade (or shop-brought) sauce. It takes me a while to eat because of the quantity of food, but does not use up loads of my calories, and it tastes great!
As fruit and vegetables are easy to digest, I have loads of energy to tackle my day. Knowing I am eating healthy food makes me feel better about myself and the nutrients are amazing for my body!

Establish if you are an AM or PM Person
I am totally an AM person, I have been since I was young and I hope it never changes because I have a slight grasp of my body. Are you more productive in the morning or evening? During the horrible essay that I was writing throughout December, I learnt that I really was an AM person. I would get to 12.30pm and lose all motivation and the quality of my writing would go downhill so rapidly that it looked like someone else had written it. That being said, I can get up at 5.30am for placement and be completely functioning, so why not get up then and work on my essay for 6 hours, then spend my afternoon doing other, less important bits and go to bed early?! It sounds so simple to say it but it is much harder to put it into practice.
I use my diary to ensure that I use the mornings to work. I really like my diary and every so often I get excited on instagram stories about it (sorry guys). Anyway I put less important tasks into the afternoon so I do not waste my morning. For example, if I am teaching swimming or lifeguarding then I will try to put this into the afternoon if I know I have work to do. Job interviews, lunch/dinner dates with friends and other activities go into my afternoon slots. In the morning I plan my university work: essay, test practice, lecture writing etc. Once that is done then I know I have the rest of my day.
So work out when you are more productive! Look at your energy levels, productivity and quality of work to establish how you feel working at different times. Mix up your routines to see if things are easier! Education is trial and error, and it never hurts to see if doing something differently will benefit you. If you are an evening person you can still loosely follow how things work for me. Just plan to sleep in a bit later, get your faffy bits done in the morning, maybe plan your work shifts for the morning, then mid-afternoon or evening smash out your work. As a wise meerkat once said: simples!

Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail
Hi, planning and organisation nerd here, nice to meet you. I'll keep this one short and sweet. Plan your day out! Plan your workout, plan your work, plan your lunch and plan your breaks. Set yourself a goal and set yourself when to stop, otherwise you will push other plans later and later, which will push your bedtime back further. This is likely to make you either more tired and less productive in the morning or press that snooze button (or worse, completely turn your alarm off!), both of which are viscous cycles! Saying this, if you are on a roll and being really productive, plans can totally change so being flexible may be a blessing at certain times. Also, if you wake up in the morning and you feel completely knackered and you did not get enough sleep, sleep a bit later! Try and get those 7 hours of sleep. Just try to build your routine from there. It is all just about making the right decision and listening to your body when making it!

Have a Hobby
Over the past year I have struggled so much with education and work-guilt, and boredom. Then I realised that all my hobbies do not exist in my life anymore. I used to be so active and creative but I stopped when I got one of my past jobs because life was so hectic! Then I got a boyfriend who I love very dearly, but I was so consumed by my love that I never went back and explored my hobbies.
I find that when I set time aside for my hobby, my productivity for proper work increases and I feel less guilty during my chill time. And on that note, chill time is so important! Obviously hobbies can be in all different genres: video games, sport, creativity etc, but timetabling them appropriately throughout the day can benefit the rest of your day and how successful it is!
For example, I really like to get up in the morning and go to the gym or exercise. This is great for my brain as blood flow increases along with the release of neurotransmitters, together these improve memory, concentration, information uptake and mood, making you happier and work better. My creative hobbies, basically arts and crafts, are great for the afternoon or evening, once I have done most of my work, as I have already been productive during the day so I do not feel guilty taking time out of my schedule to work on them, and I also feel continually productive as I am still producing things. One day I would really like to sell some of the things I made so this is just a step in the right direction.
One last point, over the past couple of years I felt so boring when people asked me what I do. Yes, I go to university and I work but I felt like I lost more of my identity. Honestly, it does not matter what people think about you, however I wanted to be more than a studier and a worker, and I now feel more proud of myself when I say what I do.

Be a Self-Care Queen or King
I am definitely the last person who should be talking about self-care, as I am horrible at it. However I am improving. Self-care is not selfish and in the short and long-term, it is vital to your mental and physical wellbeing. Firstly, you do you. If you like painting your nails, wearing a face pack or doing your hair and make-up, you do you. If you want to go for a run, have a really long bubble-bath, have a nap or text your friends, you do you. This list goes on and includes hobbies as well as daily essentials and luxuries. What I am trying to say is that if it is going to make you happy then it is really important in your life. Weigh up how long it will take and fit it into your plan. Do not feel guilty about it! I am honestly the worst as I refuse to do my laundry, wash my hair and make myself feel nice because I feel like I do not have time! Make the time! Believe me, I am busy. Full-time university two or three days a week, studying and 30+ hours a week at work, but it is doable and it will not be forever. So squeeze in your metaphorical hug to yourself and care. You have to care for yourself, you are a boss and I know you can do it.

Talk About The Bothers
I think I have mentioned this before, somewhere. Basically, my advice is to talk to someone else about what is bothering you and what is on your mind. This is not my depression cure, nor is this me pretending to be a psychiatrist, but this is how I cope with some rubbish stuff.
Obviously having worked on ambulances and having rescued drowning people, (more than) occasionally this is going to hit a nerve. Sometimes I am a super emotional person, but with the tough stuff I do not get upset, which is almost worse. So I think I am okay, but then realise I have not spoken to my crew mate for two hours even though they have been trying to talk to me. I am really good at shutting off. So you do not have to do this straight away, but someone I worked on an ambulance with for a while told me this.
Tell everyone. If it is bothering you, tell everyone. Normalise it. Talk about it. This is so important.
Tell people you trust.
Tell people who will either understand or listen, and sometimes it is nice for them to respond and make it into a discussion.
Do not just tell one person, tell lots of people. It may be really horrible the first five times, maybe more, but I promise it will make it easier. It is not therapy, but it will help you reflect, learn and deal with it. Reflection is huge within healthcare, and most areas of work as this makes you be your better self. People may be able to bring other ideas to the table, and actually I have found that I have thought of different things a week or two down the line. And on this note, if you feel like you do not have anyone you can talk to, send me a message, I get you and I will listen.
Look after your mental health, it is really important for the longevity of your career, and more importantly, you. If you see something horrible, see whoever is there for you: GP, university counsellor, TRIM etc. You have to help yourself before others can help you.

I am going to continue my 2019 BOSS series, so make sure you follow me to keep updated! I hope this has helped and has maybe given you one idea to improve your 2019? If so, let me know, or tell me your other ideas. The overall theme to this post is to listen to your body's good vibes and make sensible decisions which will help you be a BOSS in 2019!

Here are the links to every item mentioned in my post. They have an amazon affiliate link on them which would earn me a tiny amount of money if you decide to buy anything (even if it is not the item I have posted) through my link! If you a buying anything on amazon, please feel free to click on my link to help out my bank account! I only post items that I actually use and love, so please feel assured that I am not trying to scam or rip you off! Just a gal trying not to be broke throughout university!


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