
Showing posts from January, 2020

Paramedic Science Interview Question Examples Part 1

I am a third (and final) year Paramedic Science student who helps at interview days and (back in the day) attended five interview days and got five offers! Here are examples of what you *might* be asked during your Paramedic Science interview. Sorry if none of these come up, please let me know what you get asked so we can give the future generation an idea of what to expect! These questions apply to MMIs (multiple mini interviews), individual and group interviews and also written literacy tests. Generic Questions - What is your perception of the role of a paramedic? - How is it best to deal with conflict (between crew mates/supervisors/managers etc)? - What is something that is currently affecting the profession (anything recent in the news)? - What is professionalism? - What is teamwork? - What do you understand about patient confidentiality? - How would you deal with difficult patients/angry relatives? - What areas do you know of that paramedics work in/how is the ambulance...

My Goals for the Rest of the Academic Year

I am a third year Paramedic Science student, stuff has never felt more real than being in the year that I *should* graduate in. I am terrified. Let's jump in to what I want to achieve this year (which might give you some Pass my degree In all honesty, I have got to the point (that I'm sure most people get to during their Paramedic Science degree) where I just want to pass my degree, I will take any grade that will make me a paramedic this year. Dramatic but desperately true. Feel confident going into my OSCE It seems that every practical exam I sit, I go in and come out more of a state than the past. This year I pledge to myself that I will be more prepared as I will start consolidating my notes and learning earlier and I will start revising that information earlier. Stay on top of my dissertation So here is the thing, basically once we have our dissertation and final essay in we can finish uni and enjoy the rest of our summer, and I did not really get a summer holiday...

An honest update of my paramedic science journey

As many of you know, I am a third year paramedic science student. It is now 2020 and whilst everyone on my social media feeds is seeming optimistic for the future, I feel quite the opposite. This is the year that I hope to graduate in. I say this quite negatively, but I guess that is honestly how I currently feel about my degree. I am not sure how I should feel about my degree, but I am aware that my boyfriend never had this level of anxiety and self-doubt during his studies and I am not sure this is how someone should feel during their degree, especially one which is vocational and will lead me directly to my future job. This may sound like I hate paramedicine - but actually it's far from it. I really enjoy being a (student) paramedic, the practice, learning and people, but its all the bits that you do not expect from your degree that I do not enjoy:  - The fear of getting a bad mark in an essay that accounts for 100% of a module or even worse, failing a module and having to ...