Paramedic Science Interview Question Examples Part 1
I am a third (and final) year Paramedic Science student who helps at interview days and (back in the day) attended five interview days and got five offers! Here are examples of what you *might* be asked during your Paramedic Science interview. Sorry if none of these come up, please let me know what you get asked so we can give the future generation an idea of what to expect! These questions apply to MMIs (multiple mini interviews), individual and group interviews and also written literacy tests. Generic Questions - What is your perception of the role of a paramedic? - How is it best to deal with conflict (between crew mates/supervisors/managers etc)? - What is something that is currently affecting the profession (anything recent in the news)? - What is professionalism? - What is teamwork? - What do you understand about patient confidentiality? - How would you deal with difficult patients/angry relatives? - What areas do you know of that paramedics work in/how is the ambulance...