My Goals for the Rest of the Academic Year

I am a third year Paramedic Science student, stuff has never felt more real than being in the year that I *should* graduate in. I am terrified. Let's jump in to what I want to achieve this year (which might give you some

Pass my degree
In all honesty, I have got to the point (that I'm sure most people get to during their Paramedic Science degree) where I just want to pass my degree, I will take any grade that will make me a paramedic this year. Dramatic but desperately true.

Feel confident going into my OSCE
It seems that every practical exam I sit, I go in and come out more of a state than the past. This year I pledge to myself that I will be more prepared as I will start consolidating my notes and learning earlier and I will start revising that information earlier.

Stay on top of my dissertation
So here is the thing, basically once we have our dissertation and final essay in we can finish uni and enjoy the rest of our summer, and I did not really get a summer holiday last year (it rained constantly) so I am really desperate for one. I live 2 minutes from the beach and I did not get to enjoy it last year, so the huge desire to swim in the North Sea is overwhelming. So my plan is to stay on top of my dissertation rather than to drown in it.

Learn the basic things that I just don't know
I am not proud to say it but there are some really basic things that I have learnt multiple times but I just cannot retain the knowledge. Obviously this is not great when you look after sick people so my aim this year is to identify the missing knowledge and rectify it nice and quickly.

Become more sociable (in the ambulance station)
The ambulance station that I am based at is the station that I will (hopefully) be working from for the foreseeable future so I need to try and make more friends whilst at the station. I do know a few people, but I want to develop these relationships so that when I end up working with them it is slightly less nerve wracking. I am quite nervous around new people and lose all use of my vocal cords so this will be a work in progress. I normally try and be pleasant however I seem to end up out of area on every bloody lunch break so I know the people in different counties better than my own. Perfect.

Remember self-care
I fully stop caring for myself up to a good month before a deadline. I deny myself time for myself, exercise and simple things that actually make a big difference to my personal and mental wellbeing. This year I'm going to try and not stress myself out so much that I feel guilty for going to the gym or having a bath.

Reduce procrastination
I need to start turning my phone off and putting it far, far away from me when I do work. I also need to stop getting distracted by the internet because the amount of time I waste is actually embarrassing/ridiculous/pointless/infuriating.

I think that concludes my goals for the final part of my degree. If you can think of any other things I might want to consider, please drop me a message - I won't be offended!


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