A Game-Changer in Passive Income/Rewards
Hello, just a pre-word, if you are not the kind of person interested in earning a passive income/rewards, this is not the post for you, and I would suggest you come back next week for another student paramedic post. This, however, is SUCH a game-changer, especially if you are using your laptop for looking at research, journal articles etc (at a minimum). So, if you are interested in earning free gift vouchers, PS4/Xbox/PS classic games, electronic gadgets/apps or donating to charity - this is the app for you! What is it and how does it work? I've been using Gener8 for the past few months and I'm hoping this platform continues to grow because I already love it so much! Basically, Gener8 is an extension from chrome/moxilla which swaps the ads you see for their own ads (which you can customise to what you are in interested in by a short quiz) and every time you see them they award you with tokens. I also use the new tab extension too which earns me extra tokens! It currentl...